

+ How is Business Save fare of VN Airlines flights from North East Asia?


The Business Save fare of Vietnam Airlines routes departing from North East Asia (except for Japan and Korea) is an airfare for D booking class. The airfare can be changed, refuned/cancelled with fee of 20 USD. Passengers can choose seat. The maximum stay is 12 months. Passengers as GLP members can earn miles after flight with the GLP accrual rate of 1.50/mile.
+ How is Deluxe Economy Flex fare of VNA departing from North East Asia?


Vietnam Airlines international fares of Deluxe Economy Flex type for flights departing from countries in North East Asia (except for Japan and Korea) are airfares for W booking class. The fare type is permitted to change and refund without fee. Passengers can choose seat. The maximum stay is 12 months. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 1.25/mile.
+ How is Deluxe Economy Standard fare of VN Airline flying from North East Asia?


VNA international fares of Deluxe Economy Standard type for flights departing from countries in North East Asia (except for Japan and Korea) are airfares for Z booking class. The fare type is permitted to change and refund with 20 USD of fee. Passengers can choose seat. The maximum stay is 12 months. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 1.25/mile.
+ How is Economy Flex fare of Vietnam Airlines from North East Asia?


Vietnam Airlines fare types of Economy Flex for flights departing from countries in North East Asia (except for Japan and Korea) is airfare for Y booking class. The fare type is permitted to change and refund without fee. Passengers can choose seat. The maximum stay is 12 months. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 1.10/mile.
+ What is Economy Standard fare of VNA flying from North East Asia?


Economy Standard type for flights from countries in North East Asia (except for Japan and Korea) is airfare for B, S, and H booking classes. The fare type is permitted to change without fee, and 20 USD of refund fee. Passengers can choose seat. The maximum stay is 6 months. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 1.00/mile.
+ What is Economy Save fare of Vietnam Airline flying from North East Asia?


Vietnam Airlines tickets of Economy Save fare for flights departing from countries in North East Asia (except for Japan and Korea) are airfares for B K, L, and Q booking classes. The fare type is permitted to change or refund with 20 USD fee before the ticketed flight date; and 30 USD of change or refund on/after ticketed flight date. Passengers can choose seat. The maximum stay is 3 months. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 0.75/mile.
+ What is Special Deal fare of Vietnam Airline departing from North East Asia?


Special Deal fare for Vietnam Airlines flights departing from countries in North East Asia (except for Japan and Korea) are airfares for N, R, and T booking classes. The fare type is permitted to change or refund with 30 USD fee before the ticketed flight date; and 50 USD of change or refund on/after ticketed flight date. Passengers cannot choose seat. The maximum stay is 1 month. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 0.25/mile.

For Super Deal with booking class of U, E, and D, passengers are not permitted to change or refund. The fare does not have the minimum stay; it has the maximum stay of 1 month. Passengers can not earn miles with the fare.
+ What is Business Flex fare of VNA from South East Asia?


Business Flex fare for flights of Vietnam Airlines departing from countries in South East Asia is airfare for J and C booking classes. The fare type is permitted to change or refund without fee. Passengers can choose seat. It does not have the minimum stay. The maximum stay is 12 months. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 2.00/mile.
+ What is Business Save fare of Vietnam Airline from South East Asia?


Business Save fare for VN Airline routes departing from countries in South East Asia is airfare for D booking class. The fare type is permitted to change or refund with 20 USD fee. Passengers can choose seat. It does not have the minimum stay. The maximum stay is 12 months. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 1.50/mile.
+ What is Deluxe Economy Flex fare of VNA from South East Asia?


Deluxe Economy Flex fare for VN Airline routes departing from countries in South East Asia is airfare for W booking class. The fare type is permitted to change or refund without fee. Passengers can choose seat. It does not have the minimum stay. The maximum stay is 12 months. Passengers as GLP members will earn miles after flights with the GLP accrual rate of 1.25/mile.

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