

+ Who must have medical clearance accepted by Vietnam Airlines before departure?

Special orders

The following passengers must have medical clearance accepted by Vietnam Airlines before departure:

- Passenger with mental or physical problems and unable to serve himself

- Passenger is disable, sick, or in bad state that can servely affects other passenger (pernicious heart, severe disease that can lead to uncontrolled situation, mental disease)

- Pregnant passenger of over 32 weeks, or uncertain about time of pregnance or bearing, had twins/triple children, getting difficulty when bearing, or pregnant by artificial insemination

- Infants whose health is in unusual status, or prematurely born child

- Passengers paralyzed both legs or both arms, or both arms and legs, are in treatment time
- Passenger’s health status can be worse due to transport by air (passenger with lung disease, ear or nose diseases…)

- Passenger with contagious disease: the disease that can be contagious during the flight, especially chicken pox, pulmonary tuberculosis, measles, parotitis.
+ Shall Vietnam Airline carry passenger unable to serve himself?

Special orders

Yes. Passenger who is unable to serve himself as mental or physical problems will be carrued by Vietnam Airline, if he confirm medical clearance before departure.
+ Will disable passenger have to confirm medical clearance before getting on VN Airlines?

Special orders

Yes. According to VN Airlines, passenger who is disable, sick, or in bad state that can servely affects other passenger (pernicious heart, severe disease that can lead to uncontrolled situation, mental disease) must confirm medical clearance before departure.
+ Shall pregnant passenger confirm medical clearance before departure on VNA?

Special orders

Yes. VNA accepts pregnant passenger with medical clearance in the following cases:

- Passengers pregnant for 32 weeks or more
- Uncertain about the time being pregnant or bearing time
- Had twins or triplet children
- Got difficulty when bearing
- Pregnant by artificial insemination
+ Shall VN Airline accept medical clearance of pregnant by artificial insemination passenger issued by any hospital?

Special orders

No. According to Vietnam Airlines passenger service regulations, passenger who are pregnant by artificial insemination must confirm the medical clearance issued by the hospital where the artificial insemination was made and controlled or in the other medical centers accepted by VN Airline
+ Shall passenger as prematurely born child confirm medical clearance accepted by VNA before getting on board?

Special orders

Yes. For the safety of infant on board, Vietnam Airlines requires passenger as infant with unusual status or a prematurely born child to confirm medical clearance before departure.
+ Shall disable passenger in treatment confirm medical clearance to Vietnam Airlines?

Special orders

Yes. Passengers paralyzed both legs or both arms, or both arms and legs, in treatment time must confirm medical clearance before getting on the plane of VNA.
+ Which hospitals issuing medical clearance accepted by Vietnam Airline?

Special orders

VN Airline accepts medical clearance issued by domestic hospitald such as general hospital or specialized hospital at central/ provincial level or equivalent and some approved medical clinic such as SOS, Family. And foreign hospitals such as medical clinic selected by passenger.
+ Will passenger in special health status be prioritized by VN Airlines when check in?

Special orders

Yes. VN Airlines and other airlines provide supporting services for passengers in special health conditions such as pregnant passenger, infant, children, the disable, the blind, and the deaf. Passengers should appear at the airport 2 hours at least before the scheduled departure time to contact the airport staff for supporting services.
+ Which is Vietnam Airlines service provided to facilitate passengers with unusual health status?

Special orders

For special passengers as patients, the disable, or passenger needing medicine and other medical treatment tool… VNA provides the following services:

- Wheelchair service
- Stretcher service (must be made at least 72 hours prior to estimated time of departure)
- Oxygen service (must be made at least 72 hours prior to estimated time of departure)
- Leg Rest Service (must be made at least 24 hours prior to estimated time of departure)

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