

+ What to do if Vietnam Airlines cancel my flight?


In some cases, Vietnam Airlines needs to cancel a flight. If it happens, we will inform you and make all attempt to contact the airline to rebook the most suitable flight for you. If there is no replaced flight, we will apply Vietnam Airlines ticket refund for you. We will update all information about the flight to you. You should check email regularly to receive the latest accouncement from us and the airline.
+ What are regulations of Vietnam Airlines refund?


- Discounted tickets are not refunded.
- Almost ticket class can be reimbursed (except for the cheapest discounted ticket). It will cost from 10-15% fee of airfare, depeding on each type.
- If you request refund after the ticketed flight date, it will cost a double higher refund fee; thus, you should implement the ricket refund 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
+ How does it cost to change or refund of Vietnam Airline ticket?


Fee of change or refund VN Airline ticket is different, based on the condition of each fare type:

- Business Flex and Business Standard: 300,000 VND refund fee, 600,000 VND during Vietnam Lunar New Year, FOC changing departure time.

- Business Save: 300,000 VND change or refund fee.

- Economy Flex: FOC change (600,000 VND changing fee during Vietnam Lunar New Year), 300,000 VND refund fee (600,000 VND if refund during Vietnam Lunar New Year).

- Economy Standard: 300,000 VND if change or refund before the ticketed flight date, 600,000 VND if change or refund on/after the ticketed flight date.

- Economy Save: 300,000 VND if change or refund before the ticketed flight date, 600,000 VND if change or refund on/after the ticketed flight date.

- Special Deal: 600,000 VND if change before the ticketed flight date, no change on/after the ticketed flight date, and no refund.

- Super Deal: no change or refund.
+ How much does it cost to change/refund VNA ticket in routes from Southeast Asia, North East Asia and the Americas?


Regulations on changing and refund VNA ticket in international flights departing from countries in Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia (except for Japan and Korea) and the Americas are described as follows:

- Business Flex, Deluxe Economy Flex, Economy Flex: FOC change and refund
- Business Save, Deluxe Economy Standard: 20 USD fee of change or refund
- Economy Standard: FOC change, 20 USD refund fee
- Economy Save: 20 USD change/refund fee before the ticketed flight date, 30 USD change/refund fee on/after the ticketed flight date
- Special Deal: 30 USD change/refund fee before the ticketed flight date, 50 USD change/refund fee on/after the ticketed flight date
- Super Deal: no change, no refund
+ How much will I pay for change/refund fee of VN Airline ticket sold in Korea?


Vietnam Airlines change/refund policy in flights from Korea is applied as follows:

- Business Flex, Deluxe Economy Flex, and Economy Flex: FOC change or refund
- Business Save and Deluxe Economy Standard: permitted to change or refund with fee of 20 USD
- Economy Standard: FOC change, 20 USD fund fee
- Economy Save: change/refund before ticketed flight date 20 USD, change/refund on/after ticketed flight date 30 USD
- Special Deal: change/refund before ticketed flight date 30 USD, change/refund on/after ticketed flight date 50 USD
- Super Deal: no change, refund with fee of 50 USD
+ How much does it cost to change/refund VNA ticket from European countries?


Vietnam Airlines regulates fee for changing or refunding tickets in flights departing from European countries as follows:

- Business Flex, Deluxe Economy Flex, and Economy Flex: FOC change or refund
- Business Save and Deluxe Economy Standard: 150 EUR change/refund fee
- Economy Standard: FOC change, 150 EUR refund fee
- Economy Save: change/refund before ticketed flight date 75 EUR, change/refund on/after ticketed flight date 100 EUR
- Special Deal: change/refund before ticketed flight date 100 EUR, change/refund on/after ticketed flight date 150 EUR
- Super Deal: no change, no refund
+ What is the cost of change/refund fare of Vietnam Airline from Japan?


Vietnam Airline regulates fee for changing or refunding tickets in flights departing from Japan as follows:

- Business Flex, Deluxe Economy Flex, and Economy Flex: FOC change or refund
- Business Save and Deluxe Economy Standard: 15,000 JPY change/refund fee
- Economy Standard: FOC change, 7,500 JPY refund fee
- Economy Save: change/refund before ticketed flight date 7,500 JPY, change/refund on/after ticketed flight date 10,000 JPY
- Special Deal: change/refund before ticketed flight date 10,000 JPY, change/refund on/after ticketed flight date 15,000 JPY
- Super Deal: no change, 15,000 JPY refund fee before the ticketed flight date, no refund allowed on/after the ticketed flight date
+ What is the cost of change/refund fare of VNA departing from Australia?


VNA regulates fee for changing or refunding tickets in flights departing from Australia as follows:

- Business Flex, Deluxe Economy Flex, and Economy Flex: FOC change or refund
- Business Save and Deluxe Economy Standard: 75 USD change/refund fee
- Economy Standard: FOC change, 75 USD refund fee
- Economy Save: change/refund before ticketed flight date 75 USD, change/refund on/after ticketed flight date 100 USD
- Special Deal: change/refund before ticketed flight date 100 USD, change/refund on/after ticketed flight date 150 USD
- Super Deal: no change, no refund
+ What is Jetstar cancellation policy


Normally, Jetstar tickets are not reimbursed or cancelled except for ticket class of Starter Max and Business Max. Accordingly, passengers who want to refund or cancel have to inform at least 24 hours prior to scheduled departure time. We will implement the refund/cancellation after confirmation.
+ Which Jetstar ticket classes are not refunded airfare and fee?


Starter, Starter Plus and Business Starter are not allowed to refund airfare and fee.

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